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I was 19 and in college. I was skinny at 6 feet tall and around 160 pounds. Even at that, I felt like I weighed too much because I had no muscle definition. Because of this, I felt like I needed to never eat. I would eat a light breakfast and then not eat until supper, which was sometimes 8 o'clock at night.


Around that time is when my boss (I worked at the college I attended a the time.) took notice and we started talking. I found out that she was a coach for Beachbody and that she did that as her side business. I remember the first thing she told me to do was to drink more water and to eat like 5 times per day. So I did that. I got three big bottles of water and numbered them 1, 2, and 3. That ensured that I would have proper water intake. I also started paying more attention to how she lived her day-to-day life very healthy and worked out every day. She became an inspiration to me and I began getting up early and doing what I called my workout for about 30 mins each morning. That consisted of pushups, bicycles, crunches, some arm exercises with 20 pound dumbells.


When I started posting on social media about what I was doing with my home workouts and eating healthier, my boss came to me and said, "Do you realize that you are doing basically what a coach does?" So we started talking about me becoming a coach with Beachbody. I was in no shape to be a coach. I mean, sure I was kinda doing somewhat of an exercise routine, but I was just a skinny kid. A month of us talking went by and what she said that really resonated with me. You don't have to be in perfect shape to be a coach. People who are at the same fitness level as you will identify with you better. People want real people. I won't attract a lot of people who are in better shape than me. I will attract people who have the same struggles as I do, people who are working toward similar goals. I will attract people like me. I loved the idea of inspiring others to be healthier and happier. If this meant going and finding people just like me, I was all in.


What did I do when I became a coach? I bought the Turbofire challenge pack with Shakeology. I fell in love. I fell in love with Chalene. I fell in love with Turbofire. I fell in love with Shakeology. I fell in love with the Beachbody culture. That's where my new journey began in fitness and finance. I had my first customer that month and since then I have been able to help so many people get fit, happy, and healthy. Today I am 22 and weigh about 15 pounds MORE than when I started this journey. I am 175 pounds and I feel leaner than ever. I am always working to improve myself.


What exactly did I use to achieve my transformation? Well, I can't narrow it down to one program because I liked to try each one whenever I felt like it. So, the results came from a basis of a healthy and clean diet (most of the time), drinking Shakeology regularly to ensure proper nutrition was in my body, and of course working out at least three times a week. Now, as far as programs go, I have experience in TurboFire, Les Mills Pump, P90X3, PiYo, 21-Day Fix, and Cize. All of these are phenominal programs and can benefit you like no others to help you get in shape and do it very safely. I take the strategies and forms from these programs everywhere I go so I can show others proper form technique as well. So often in the gym, people can injure themselves just because they haven't thought through the movement. These DVD workouts help me avoid that.


You may be asking why I needed Beachbody to do all of that though. I can say this, there is no way you can show people (your friends and family) how to get a well rounded, safe workout from home without the structure Beachbody provides in their DVD workouts. You cannot find a healthier meal than Shakeology. You ABSOLUTELY cannot find the team support shown within Beachbody. You cannot find a compensation structure as effective as Beachbody's. Be my guest and try, but there isn't one out there.


Since I began as a coach, I have been blessed with many opportunities to put myself out there for others to see what I do as a coach and how that lifestyle can benefit them as well. It's definitely not an opportunity you want to pass up.


Because of Beachbody I have been able to get messages from people who say, "Because of you I haven't given up" or "You have been such a motivation to me" or "I have been following you for a long time, and because of your inspiration I have lost 20 pounds." You can't tell me that wouldn't feel good to your soul to hear those things. In fact, why don't you head over to the "Free Coach" tab and get me as your free coach. Follow me on Instagram or follow my Facebook page with the buttons at the top of the page. I would LOVE to see you there!

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